Man in Colorado Dies From Pet Gila Lizard Bite

Incident Date:
Denver, CO - USA
Facility Name:
Facility Type:
Exotic Pet (E)
Incident Category:
Escape/Attack resulting in human death (HD)
Gila Lizard
Animal disposition:


Denver, CO – A 34-year-old Colorado man died days after being bitten by a venomous Gila lizard, who he owned as a pet.

The man, whose identity remains undisclosed, suffered the bite from a juvenile Gila monster on February 12 and died on Friday, marking the first recorded fatal case of a Gila monster bite in the past 94 years.

While the Jefferson County Coroner’s Office confirmed the man’s death, additional toxicology tests are pending to determine the exact cause of his death.

The Lakewood Police Department said the two Gila monsters were removed from the victim’s home and taken to a wildlife rehab center in a different state. Before they are transported, the reptile that bit its owner will be sent to a lab at the University of Northern Colorado.

Action take by Born Free USA:
