Born Free USA x ZooDraws: African Grey Parrot

in Animals in Captivity

Parrots are one of the animals most regularly trafficked to the United States. After enduring long journeys, often stuffed in tiny spaces to avoid detection, or crammed into crates with no room to move, those who survive are sold into the pet trade. Caging a bird is one of the cruelest things someone can do – as doing so denies them practically every natural instinct and need that they have. Parrots live surprisingly long lives – sometimes living into their sixties – so many of them kept as pets will be passed from home to home as their owners grow tired of them, or even pass away. All of this adds up to a miserable life in which stressed birds suffer. Many captive parrots pluck their own feathers – sometimes until they are completely bald. You can help by pledging to never hold a bird captive as a pet, thus ensuring that you do not contribute to their suffering.

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Born Free USA x ZooDraws: African Grey Parrot Comic

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#Parrots are commonly stolen from the wild for the #ExoticPet trade. After enduring an often deadly journey, those who survive are destined for lives of suffering as pets. As this comic by @ZooDraws @BornFreeUSA shows, it’s time to end the cruelty!

Parrots are commonly stolen from the wild and trafficking into the U.S. for the exotic pet trade. After enduring a stressful and often deadly journey, those who survive are destined for lives of suffering and confinement as pets. As this comic by ZooDraws and Born Free USA shows, it’s time to end the cruelty!

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Born Free USA x ZooDraws: Chameleon