COVID-19 Leads to Record-Breaking Demand for Hunting and Trapping Licenses

by Liz Tyson, PhD in Coexisting with Wildlife, Trapping

While the COVID-19 pandemic continues, those seeking an optimistic slant on the devastating virus have looked towards the largely positive impact that human society’s reduction in travel and pausing of various industries (and associated emissions) – made necessary by lockdowns and other restrictions – might have on the natural environment. Indeed, an article published in science journal, Nature, noted: “Some obvious and immediate effects [of the pandemic] are reflected in the worldwide reports of reduced traffic congestion, clearer skies, cleaner waterways and the emergence of wildlife into human settlements.” Anecdotally, environmentalists have described the current restrictions as giving nature “an opportunity to heal.”

But, recent reports suggest that a new trend is emerging as the U.S. has moved out of the stricter periods of complete lockdown but remains in a period when indoor and group recreational activities are still limited: Recent reports have evidenced the sales of hunting and trapping licenses for the upcoming season reaching record highs.

New York state reported record hunting – and in particular “big game hunting” – and trapping license sales in the first few days of availability, with sales double those from the same period of the previous year. Similar trends have been reported in Iowa, Virginia, Texas, Michigan, Georgia, and Wisconsin. Gun and ammunition sales have also increased significantly in the same period.

As Born Free USA’s CEO, Angela Grimes, says, “With ongoing social restrictions in place across the nation as a result of COVID-19, many people are looking to the outdoors as a safe way to spend free time. For many, this means a hike in nature, a family picnic, a walk with the dog, or a wildlife-watching trip. For others, it means taking the lives of innocent animals in the name of sport or fun. Spending time enjoying physically distanced, outdoor activities is a relatively safe way to socialize, but we urge people to be compassionate in their choices. Animals should not have to die because we find ourselves with some spare time on our hands.”

Born Free USA has long campaigned to challenge the practices of hunting and trapping – both of which cause significant suffering to their victims. In September of this year, we launched our Trap Free Trails campaign which sought to raise awareness of trapping in national wildlife refuges, and calls upon the Department of the Interior to ban the use of traps on all public lands. You can aid this call by signing our petition and sharing it with your friends on social media.

Keep Wildlife in the Wild,

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