AB 789 Prohibits Cruel Wildlife Killing Methods [2013]

in California

Update (August 26, 2013): This bill was signed into law by Governor Brown.

Bill description: This bill, sponsored by Born Free USA and The Humane Society of the United States, will ban the most inhumane wildlife trapping practices decrease the chances of family dogs and being inadvertently killed in traps.
Specifically the bill will:

  • Prohibit the most heinous methods of killing wildlife — drowning, chest-crushing, and injection with chemical solvents such as nail polish remover — that are not intended for euthanizing animals.
  • Reduce the allowable size of Conibear trap (also known as a kill trap) from 10 inches to 6 inches on land and require the use of warning signs where these traps are used on lands open to the public for the protection of domestic dogs.

Read the bill’s text here. (PDF)

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AB 1213: The Bobcat Protection Act [2013]