HR 205 Orders the Wildlife Agency to Control Coyotes [2007]

in Kentucky

Update: Sadly, this resolution was adopted by the Kentucky House of Representatives.

Bill Description: This resolution directs the state Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources to review existing laws and policies governing coyote control and then to disseminate information to farmers and landowners including “trapping demonstrations.” They also would be required to “cooperate” with trappers and wildlife removal opertors to ensure that these private individuals and companies are “adequately compensated.” Finally, they would need to report back to the legislature by 12/01/07 with an update on several of these requirements.
Action: Please contact your state Representative and urge him or her to oppose HR 205. Tell your Representative that this legislation takes Kentucky in the wrong direction. This bill simply expands the arbitrary killing of coyotes. Because trapping is non-selective, the offending animals are not targeted. More cost-effective long-term solutions to address any wildlife/human conflicts should be implemented instead.

Read the next article

H 231 Allows Cruel Capture of Coyotes [2007]