S 663 Limits the Trapping of Black Bears [2006]

in Maryland

Update: Unfortunately, this bill was not released from the Senate committee to which it was assigned. As a result, this bill did not complete the legislative process prior to adjournment.

Bill Description: If passed, this bill would de-list black bears as forest game mammals and would limit the trapping and hunting of “nuisance” black bears by the state Department of Natural Resources. Trapping and hunting would be used only after exhausting non-lethal means to resolve chronic damage or depredation.
Trapping and hunting bears that come into conflict with humans is not an effective solution to the problem. These methods arbitrarily kill or wound animals but do not necessarily address the behavior of the offending animal. Instead, more humane — and more effective, long-term solutions — would be implemented under this legislation.

Read the next article

H 704 Bans the Possession of Certain Exotic Animals [2006]