“Bonsai Kitten”

in Companion Animals

API has been deluged with messages from people concerned about the Bonsai Kitten website (www.bonsaikitten.com), the cruel way it is treating kittens, and what can be done to put a stop to it.
The Bonsai Kitten website is a joke. Its images were created with the aid of computer graphics by graduate students at MIT, which is in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. The website is protected by the U.S. Constitution, under the First Amendment which guarantees freedom of speech, no matter how stupid or disgusting it may be. However, the FBI is currently investigating the website for possible violation of federal statutes.

API strongly recommends that you do not visit this site, or forward any email regarding it. When you do so, you give the site’s creators exactly what they want most — your attention.

Please remember that you should not believe everything you see on the Internet or in email. In the future, if you are unsure whether something is real or not, please check www.snopes.com or http://urbanlegends.about.com/science/urbanlegends/ before you promote or forward incorrect information.

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