Exotic Incident #901

Incident Date:
Ballston Spa, NY - USA
Facility Name:
Ashville Game Farm
Facility Type:
Non-accredited Facility (RSZ)
Incident Category:
Escape/Attack resulting in human injury (HI)
Big Cats
White Tiger
Animal disposition:


A white tiger named Calcutta slashed the head of a 4-year-old boy at the Saratoga County Fair as the child posed for a photo holding a baby kangaroo at an exotic animal photo exhibit presented by Ashville Game Farm. The exhibit was continued, with minor adjustments (an additional barrier was installed and the photo bench moved farther from the cage). Calcutta was one of two tigers on display in the sweltering summer heat. The Saratoga County Fair also routinely featured a performing bear show.

Action take by Born Free USA:
